Portfolio Home Page

Authority Prototype

       The prototype of Authority came from a two-week game jam run through Inkwell Interactive at Southern New Hampshire University. The idea of the game jam was to decide on a game to work on for two semesters. For this game jam my group made up of two programmers and two artists decided on a one versus one asymmetrical game. One player would be security cameras interacting with the 3D platforming level that the other player had to traverse through. The platforming player had to reach the end before time ran out, while the other player tried to stop them. 

        My role during the prototype was to create the level using the artists’ assets, create the game manager, and the security camera player’s movement and abilities. The result of the game jam was Authority being selected as the winner and became the studio’s next student project where it became what it is today.

Link to the Authority Prototype public website:

Tyler Technologies New Hire Reporting Program

       Later in the internship when my SQL and Genero skills grew I was assigned a bigger task of creating a program for state governments to report new hires. For this task, I created a program for Florida as well as Missouri. Each program had to be user-friendly, optimized, and create the correct new hire report form based on the state’s needs.

Tyler Technologies Internship Tickets

      Throughout the beginning of my internship with Tyler Technologies, my role was to complete many of the tickets (bug fixes/improvements) that had a low amount of story points. This allowed me to learn SQL and Genero and strengthen my professional programming skills and practices. 

Game Design Videos

      One of the classes that greatly improved my game design skills was the rapid prototyping course. During the semester every two weeks, a new topic and genre were selected and teams were formed. Throughout the two weeks, each group either had to choose an existing game and re-design it for the current genre and topic or create a new prototype. At the end of the two weeks, each team member had to upload a video outlining the prototype/redesign and their role in the process.

Previous Demos/Prototypes

Some of my previous demos and prototypes can be found on my itch.io:
